Christmas party with people

We'll match you with the UK's best Christmas Party venues

Simply complete your brief and we'll search our 10,000 Christmas Party Venues and match you with the best ones.


I'm Kate, and I'm here to help you plan & book your event.

Answer a few more questions to help me provide you with recommendations and request quotes on your behalf.

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Consider increasing your budget to £xx to explore a wider variety of venues.
If your event spans multiple days, please specify the duration by entering the number of days below.

How can we contact you?

Let us share the best venue recommendations for this event. Your details won't be shared with venues without your direct permission.
  • Any styles of venue that you’re interested in
  • Whether there’s a particular theme to your event
  • If you were referred to VenueScanner, your referrer's name and email

By clicking Submit you confirm that you agree to our terms and conditions, privacy policy and consent to cookies being stored on your device.

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How does it work?

  1. Complete the form with your event information
  2. You'll be matched with Christmas venues that match your needs
  3. Enquire and get quotes
  4. Confirm the booking and you're all set!
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Why use VenueScanner?

  • Complimentary service - no costs, it's free
  • Find an available venue within 24 hours
  • Over 20,000 venues to choose from
  • Negotiating the best rates for you

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